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The Reception of Biblical Figures
edited by David Hamidovic, Eleonora Serra and Philippe Therrien
This volume explores the reception of biblical figures in Judaism, Christianity and Islam, with a particular focus on Antiquity and incursions in the Middle Ages and modernity...
$88.00 (pb)
Faces of the rule of law in Europe
edited by Michal Gierycz and Piotr Mazurkiewicz
The current discussion on the rule of law, especially in the EU, seems to be developing because the terms that express the idea of the rule of law in different European langua...
$75.00 (hb)
Benedykt Wiszowaty's 'Medulla historiae ecclesiasticae
by Pablo Toribio
An elusive figure of late Socinianism, Benedykt Wiszowaty (ca. 1660-after 1704) was the great grandson of Fausto Sozzini. He was educated in Amsterdam, where he was responsibl...
$82.00 (hb)
Über das philosophische Denken im frühneuzeitlichen Mexiko
edited by Jörg Alejandro Tellkamp
Das erste Mal, dass auf dem amerikanischen Kontinent philosophisch im Sinne westlicher Vorstellungen gedacht wurde, geschah zu Beginn der spanischen Eroberung Mexikos ab 1530,...
$56.00 (hb)
Management von Demand Chains - Eine Simulationsstudie
by Stefan Koch
Der Autor untersucht, wie durch ein aktives Nachfragemanagement die Endkundennachfrage in Demand Chains zu einer planbaren Einflussgrösse transformiert werden kann. Hierzu wur...
$42.00 (pb)
The Shaft Graves and Other Late Helladic I and II Remains
by Michael Lindblom
This volume presents funerary and domestic remains from the Late Helladic (LH) period at the settlement of Lerna, an important prehistoric site on the Gulf of Argos excavated ...
$150.00 (hb)
Diderot et l'archéologie
edited by Zeina Hakim and Lorenz E. Baumer
This volume explores the influence of Antiquity on Diderot, combining letters and artifacts to reveal his unique vision and his contribution to the emerging field of archaeolo...
$27.00 (pb), $83.00 (hb)
Child and Adolescent Migration, Mental Health, and Language
by Fernanda Carra-Salsberg
Child and Adolescent Migration, Mental Health, and Language, focuses on migration and the socio-affective significance of language. It examines how this influences children's ...
$112.00 (hb)
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