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178 pages
Research in Medieval and Early Modern Culture, 2
Medieval Institute Publications
Hardback (July 1992)
ISBN-13 9781879288126
ISBN-10 1879288125
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Literary Studies
Medieval Studies
Early Prose in France
Contexts of Bilingualism and Authority
by Jeanette Beer
It is fast becoming dogma that French prose emerged out of poetry by a process of deversification in the thirteenth century. Since the earliest extant example of written French prose dates back to the eighth show more
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Jeanette Beer was a professor of French at Purdue University and associate editor of Purdue Studies in Romantic Literature and is professor emerita at Oxford University. 
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Introduction The Strasbourg Oaths The Jonah Fragment Land-Grants, Petitions, and Ordinances Letters in the Vernacular Villehardouin's La Conquete de Constantinople Conclusion A Selective Bibliography
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