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ISD – distribution partner for North America
ISD is a full-service book distribution company focusing exclusively on scholarly and specialist books.

The company is based in Bristol, CT, in the northeast of the US. Perfectly situated for scholarly book distribution, its offices are in close geographic range to a large number of important universities and colleges. ISD’s proximity to the east coast also makes the import and export of books from and to Europe an easy, quick and inexpensive proposition.


ISD provides full and appropriate sales and marketing services that create demand for our clients’ publications. This is done through:
Effective, early and up-to-date bibliographic and metadata notifications to all relevant industry partners
Established good trading partnerships with all appropriate retail and wholesale bookselling channels in North America
Active promotion of titles to scholarly and specialist booksellers, including online retailers
Effective international distribution and marketing with a European partner for those publishers seeking a “worldwide” distribution solution
Targeted direct and online marketing initiatives to promote new and backlist titles to specific academic or interest groups, including libraries
Promotion of book series and management of standing orders and subscriptions where required
Exhibits at relevant North American and international conferences to promote and sell books and to raise the profile of client publishers and their publications
A comprehensive and user-friendly website for customers (book trade, library and individual), combined with sophisticated eMarketing capabilities
Flexible and tailored services for client publishers with regard to review copies and desk/examination copies

Storage, inventory control and transportation

ISD can either store a “working stock” of distributed titles, or offer a longer-term storage solution for clients. Books come into the warehouse either directly or via ISD’s European shipping agent in London. There is a weekly consolidation from London to ISD and vice versa.

In the cases where a “working stock” is held, inventory levels are monitored on a daily basis and books are ordered and reordered regularly and in appropriate quantities according to sales history and sales projections. Orders for new titles and reorders are sent to client publishers in accordance with mutually agreed ordering levels.


ISD sends bibliographic data on all new titles to book industry partners and customers, as well as changes to availability, price, and other updates, on a regular basis. This is done using ONIX feeds.

It is vital that ISD is kept up-to-date by its client publishers with regard to new titles, changes to title information, prices and availability. ISD accepts ONIX feeds from client publishers, and also accepts bibliographic data in spreadsheets. The ISD website provides a portal to transmit book information to us.

Digital distribution

ISD offers distribution of eBooks and digital publications for those client publishers who are interested. The company works with a partner who stores the digital files and, on request, provides them to customers in relevant formats for the various digital platforms. This allows ISD to include eBooks and digital versions in its marketing campaigns alongside print publications.

ISD also offers conversion services for publishers to create required digital versions of publications.

Reporting and payments

Reports of sales and inventory “on hand” are sent on either a monthly or quarterly basis. In addition, up-to-date sales information can be accessed by client publishers via a secure connection to the ISD website. Sales data can be interrogated by title, author, series, date range, customer, customer type, customer country/region or sales source. This data is updated daily. Payment for sales is made either on a monthly or quarterly basis and is made 120 days after the sales period concerned. Payments can be made by check or bank transfer.

Publishing Services

ISD has a relationship with new scholarly publisher Lockwood Press, who offers publication services for presses or organizations wanting to outsource the publication of books, journals and digital material, or wishing to increase publishing output beyond their internal capacity.

Who we are

ISD is owned and managed by Ian Stevens, a book industry professional with over 30 years of bookselling and publishing experience in the global marketplace. Ian was running a scholarly book distribution business in the US for the last nine years before starting his own company, and before that was involved in international sales and marketing for Boydell & Brewer and TSO (HMSO Books). He has extensive experience in the scholarly book market.

Susanne Wilhelm is the company’s Design and Production Manager. Susanne looks after all aspects of ISD’s design, from leaflets and catalogs to this website and all company-branded items. She also runs the company’s Typesetting and Pre-Press services and works with authors, editors and publishers to take manuscripts through to a print-ready and e-book ready state. Susanne has extensive experience of design and book production within the scholarly publishing milieu.

Melanie Palleria joined ISD in January 2012 as our Finance and Office Manager. She brings over 10 years of bookkeeping and customer service experience to our team. In addition to handling all of the incoming and outgoing finances, Melanie also oversees all of the day-to-day operations of the office.

Paul Bilodeau is ISD’s Warehouse and Shipping Manager. From shelf-building to the stocking of books, to picking books for customer orders to packing and shipping, Paul deftly manages the “nuts and bolts” of the book business.

Stefanie Gustafson is ISD’s Bibliographic Services Manager.  She joined the company in September 2013 after receiving her Master of Library Science degree.  Stefanie manages ISD’s import and export of bibliographic metadata and maintains overall data quality control.

For more information on all services, please contact Ian Stevens:

Ian Stevens
70 Enterprise Drive
Bristol, CT 06010
Tel: +1 860 584-6546+1 860 584-6546
Skype: is.ianstevens
email: ian@isdistribution.com
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