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167 pages (115 col illus, 21 b/w illus.)
8 x 6 inches
Kelsey Museum Publication, 15
Kelsey Museum Publications
Paperback (January 2017)
ISBN-13 9780990662358
ISBN-10 0990662357
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Ancient Near East
Mediterranean Archaeology
The Countryside of Aphrodisias
by Christopher Ratté and Angela Commito
Aphrodisias is one of the most important archaeological sites of the Greek and Roman periods in Turkey. Excavations at Aphrodisias have been carried out by New York University since 1961 and have revealed show more
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Christopher Ratté is Professor of Classical Archaeology and Director of the Kelsey Museum of Archaeology at the University of Michigan. He is the author, coauthor, or editor of five books and more than show more
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Preface Chronology 1 Introduction 2 Before the Founding of Aphrodisias 3 The Founding of Aphrodisias and Its Impact on the Surrounding Region 4 The End of Antiquity 5 The Middle Byzantine Revival 6 From
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"This book succeeds in its stated aim of presenting the findings of the Aphrodisias Regional Survey to a wider audience. In particular the book is successful in giving a sense of each period by selecting show more
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