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290 pages
9 x 6 inches
Material and Visual Culture of Ancient Egypt, 4
Lockwood Press
Paperback (February 2017)
ISBN-13 9781937040604
ISBN-10 1937040607
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PDF eBook (February 2017)
ISBN-13 9781937040611
ISBN-10 1937040615
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Ancient Egypt
Conservation, Museum and Library Studies
Collections at Risk
New Challenges in a New Environment
edited by Claire Derriks
Conflicts and wars, and more specifically the 2011 Revolution in Egypt, have brought to light the worrying question of the preservation of the cultural heritage in the world. The role of museums and international show more
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Claire Derriks is Curator Emeritus at the Royal Museum of Mariemont, Belgium and professor at the Royal Institute for History of Art and Archaeology, Brussels. 
   table of contents

Foreword, Ehab Fawzy
Preface, Luc Delvaux
Introduction, Maarten J. Raven

I. Collections at Risk: Cultural Heritage Preservation

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"Although largely targeted at curators or researchers working with museums, this volume gathers a number of little-known stories behind the formation, interpretation and display of collections of Egyptian show more
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