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304 pages (580 col photos and 45 architectural plans and reconstructions)
11 x 8 inches
Lockwood Press
Paperback (June 2016)
ISBN-13 9781937040574
ISBN-10 1937040577
Out of print
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Mediterranean Archaeology
Greek Art and Archaeology c. 1200-30 BC
by Dimitris Plantzos
This lavishly illustrated volume presents a systematic survey of Greek art and archaeology from the collapse of Mycenaean civilization to the dissolution of the Ptolemaic realm.

The book begins
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Dimitris Plantzos is a classical archaeologist, educated at Athens and Oxford. He is the author of various articles and books on Greek art and archaeology, archaeological theory and classical reception, show more
   table of contents

CHAPTER 1: Classical archaeology: sources and methodology
CHAPTER 2: The Early Iron Age (1100-700 BC)
CHAPTER 3: The Archaic Period (700-480 BC)
CHAPTER 4: The Classical Period (480-336 BC)

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"This readable and thorough introductory textbook includes boxes with information on people, places, and artifacts, and definitions of terms to enhance the text. The line drawings and many beautiful illustrations show more
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