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229 pages
9 x 6 inches
Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Culture, 39
Medieval Institute Publications
Hardback (July 1997)
ISBN-13 9781879288836
ISBN-10 1879288834
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Paperback (July 1997)
ISBN-13 9781879288843
ISBN-10 1879288842
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Medieval Studies
The Intellectual Climate of the Early University
Essays in Honor of Otto Gründler
edited by Nancy Van Deusen
Despite a good deal of research and writing concerning the development and intellectual transformation in the period of the early university, the subject remains in many respects enigmatic. This collection show more
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Nancy Van Deusen is a professor at Claremont Graduate University and has published on music and institutional culture in Medieval Rome and France. 
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Contents Preface The Sentence Collection and the Education of Professional Theologians in the Twelfth Century by Marcia Colish Approaches and Attitudes to a New Theology Textbook: The Sentences of Peter
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