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296 pages
9 x 6 inches
Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Culture, 48
Medieval Institute Publications
Hardback (February 2008)
ISBN-13 9781580441230
ISBN-10 1580441238
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Paperback (February 2008)
ISBN-13 9781580441247
ISBN-10 1580441246
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Literary Studies
Medieval Studies
The English 'Loathly Lady' Tales
Boundaries, Traditions, Motifs
edited by Susan Carter and S. Elizabeth Passmore
Whereas some literary motifs such as the tyrant, the beggar, and the crone have equivalents in the real world, the Loathly Lady is a creature of the imagination. Yet she is not merely a whimsical fantasy. show more
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Susan Carter is a senior lecturer at the University of Auckland and contributes to the Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice, the Art of Supervision and the supervision seminar series within the show more
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Introduction by S. Elizabeth Passmore and Susan Carter
Through the Counsel of a Lady: The Irish and English Loathly Lady Tales and the Mirrors for Princes' Genre by S. Elizabeth Passmore

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