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xvi,340 pages
10 x 7 inches
Resources in Arabic and Islamic Studies, 4
Lockwood Press
Paperback (November 2015)
ISBN-13 9781937040550
ISBN-10 1937040550
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PDF eBook (November 2015)
ISBN-13 9781937040567
ISBN-10 1937040569
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Islamic Studies
Middle Eastern Studies
Al-Ma'mûn, the Inquisition, and the Quest for Caliphal Authority
by John Abdallah Nawas
The "inquisition" (Mihnah) unleashed by the seventh Abbasid caliph, 'Abdallah al-Ma'mun (r. 813-833), has long attracted the attention of modern scholars of the intellectual, political, and religious show more
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John Nawas is Professor of Arabic and Islamic Studies in the Department of Near Eastern Studies at the University of Leuven, Belgium. His research centers on the religio-political and social history show more
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Series Editors' Preface
Author's Preface

Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Aim of This Study
1.2. Previous Explanations of al-Ma'mun's Motives

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"Nawas makes a compelling and eloquent argument that requires our attention. To begin understanding the minha, one must start here. The editors of the series are to be commended for their efforts show more
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