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xxx,500 pages (with 265 figures and drawings and 17 tables)
11 x 8 inches
Wilbour Studies in Egyptology and Assyriology, 4
Lockwood Press
Hardback (April 2016)
ISBN-13 9781937040512
ISBN-10 1937040518
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PDF eBook (April 2016)
ISBN-13 9781937040529
ISBN-10 1937040526
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Ancient Egypt
Religious Studies
The Theology of Hathor of Dendera
Aural and Visual Scribal Techniques in the Per-Wer Sanctuary
by Barbara A. Richter
The Ptolemaic period witnessed an enormous increase in the number of hieroglyphic signs and iconographic elements (composite crowns, scepters, and cult objects). The ancient scribes exploited this complexity show more
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Barbara A. Richter received her PhD in the Department of Near Eastern Studies from the University of California, Berkeley, in 2012, where she is currently a lecturer in Egyptology. Her research focuses show more

"Barbara Richter's examination of the role of word play and sign play in a single chapel within the Dendera Temple demonstrates the importance of close readings of Ptolemaic texts, whose scribal authors show more
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