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808 pages (with 121 figures, 72 tables plus digital component)
9 x 6 inches
Archaeobiology, 1
Lockwood Press
Paperback (November 2013)
ISBN-13 9781937040055
ISBN-10 1937040054
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PDF eBook (November 2013)
ISBN-13 9781937040154
ISBN-10 1937040151
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Archaeology of the Ancient Americas
Biological Sciences
The Archaeology of Mesoamerican Animals
edited by Christopher M. Götz and Kitty F. Emery
Recognition of the role of animals in ancient diet, economy, politics, and ritual is vital to understanding ancient cultures fully, while following the clues available from animal remains in reconstructing show more
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Christopher M. Götz is Profesor-Investigador (lecturer & researcher), Facultad de Ciencias Antropologicas, UADY.

Kitty F. Emery is Associate Curator of Environmental Archaeology, Florida show more


"A must for those interested in the interaction of human and animals in Mesoamerica or elsewhere. An excellent and balanced selection of topics by outstanding researchers."
Guillermo L. Mengoni Goñalons,
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