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166 pages
9 x 6 inches
Archaeopress Publishing
Paperback (July 2024)
ISBN-13 9781803277615
ISBN-10 1803277610
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Art & Art History
Asian and Pacific Studies
Art of Ancient India and the Aegean
Fortuitous Parallels or Cultural Contacts?
by A.S. Bhalla
Art in physical forms and shapes (e.g. buildings and paintings) existed in both prehistoric and modern societies. This book examines similarities and differences between art in ancient Indian (Indus) civilizations show more
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Dr A.S. Bhalla is a former Fellow of Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge, UK, and former Special Adviser to the President of the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), Ottawa, Canada. He has held show more
   table of contents

Foreword - Dr Dimitrios Th. Vassiliadis


Issues relating to Chronology
Definition. Scope and Coverage of Art
Structure of the Book

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"The author has touched upon a very interesting yet difficult topic. A must-read for anyone interested in understanding the cultural influences of the Greeks on Indian art and culture. He provides excellent, show more
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