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116 pages
Lockwood Press
Hardback (July 2024)
ISBN-13 9781957454818
ISBN-10 1957454814
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PDF eBook (July 2024)
ISBN-13 9781957454801
ISBN-10 1957454806
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EPUB eBook (July 2024)
ISBN-13 9781957454146
ISBN-10 1957454148
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Art & Art History
Costume and Textiles
In My Fashion
A Memoir
by Sol Kent
In My Fashion will delight those intrigued by the world of high fashion and its history. From the heady days in Paris at Christian Dior's "New Look" collection, to the shows, parties, and lifestyles of such luminaries as Cristobal Balenciaga, Coco Chanel, Norman Norell, Emilio Pucci, Hubert de Givenchy, and Bill Blass, the reader witnesses the glamour, the glitz, and often the frenzy of this world of flair, imagination, and force of personality.

In this book Kent also provides a unique education in the production of fashion shows, which he elevated to an art form. Through Kents vision, fashion becomes theater. Two actual show scripts are included in this book.

With an artist's eye and passion, he reminds the reader that, as women have always known, memories are often indelibly attached to ones favorite clothes. This articulate and witty distillation is an exquisite pleasure for the elegant Mr. Kent's many admirers, and a treat for anyone who is interested in the history of our time, in the seeds of creativity, and in the power of style.
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