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13 pages
Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures
Paperback (April 2024)
ISBN-13 9781614911098
ISBN-10 1614911096
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Archaeological Method and Theory
Fly with Dana over the Past
by Marie-Laure Chambrade and Jérôme Agostini, with the assistance of Marc Maillot, Kiersten Neumann, and Thomas Boudier
Most archaeological work is done on the ground, but we can also study the past from the sky. This is called aerial archaeology, and it began over a hundred years ago! Follow Dana, a young fox and archaeologist, as she explores the past through photographs taken of the Earth from an airplane, a balloon, and a drone. Learn about the history of aerial archaeology in West Asia while coloring and drawing, help Dana find her way in a labyrinth, and practice reading aerial images like an archaeologist. 
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