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144 pages
ArchiTangle GmbH
Hardback (April 2024)
ISBN-13 9783966800273
ISBN-10 3966800276
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Architecture Is Experimentation
Global Award for Sustainable Architecture
by Marie-Hélène Contal and Jana Revedin
Architecture Is Experimentation shines a spotlight on the intersection of architectural innovation and sustainable solutions through the lens of the Global Award for Sustainable Architecture 2023 laureates: Ronald and Erik Rietveld, Benedetta Tagliabue, Simon Teyssou, Mette Ramsgaard Thomsen, and Xu Tiantian. This publication brings to the fore their pioneering efforts in merging community engagement, technological innovation, and deep respect for cultural and urban heritage in order to advance sustainable architectural practices.

Featuring interviews with each winner, the book provides insights into their creative processes and philosophies by introducing projects that exemplify their approach to experimentation. It serves as a guide, detailing the tools, methods, and approaches that define the cutting edge of architectural experimentation.

By documenting the impactful work of these architects from diverse backgrounds and regions around the world, Architecture Is Experimentation offers insights into how architectural practice can lead to significant social, economic, and environmental progress.

Compiled to inspire and inform, this publication is an essential resource for those interested in exploring how experimentation in architecture can contribute to more sustainable, responsive, and contextually aware architectural solutions.

With contributions by Marie-Hélène Contal, Anupama Kundoo, Jana Revedin, Ronald and Erik Rietveld, Benedetta Tagliabue, Simon Teyssou, Mette Ramsgaard Thomsen, and Xu Tiantian.
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