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140 pages
Equinox Publishing
Hardback (September 2024)
ISBN-13 9781800504844
ISBN-10 1800504845
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Paperback (October 2024)
ISBN-13 9781800504851
ISBN-10 1800504853
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Religious Studies
The Discerning Clear Gaze of Yoga
by Gidi Ifergan
Just as light reflects on a mirror, the source of awareness, the true Self, is projected onto the mind, reflecting the world of phenomena and enabling cognition. However, the mind, which carries within it the sense-of-self as the agent or ego, is wrongly convinced that it is the source of primary awareness, the true Self. Moreover, similar to a dusty and murky mirror, the mind reflects reality in a distorted manner, as its reflections become misrepresented through habitual tendencies and mental processes. And it is such distortion which produces confusion and suffering. Yoga in action redirects attention to the mind itself and seeks to remove the psychological blemishes, just like polishing a mirror. At the culmination of this process, the mind is liberated from mental processes and the causes of affliction and abides in an empty yet clear state. This is how the clear discerning gaze of yoga can be realised, by distinguishing between the source of light, which represents the true Self, and the mirror itself, which represents the mind and sense of self. Such a gaze has the power to liberate one from the misconceptions and emotions that hinder cognitive clarity.

This study explores the road map of yoga as reflected in the Yogasutra of Patañjali (third century CE) and the Samkhyakarika of Isvarakrsna (350-450 CE) which leads to the rise of this discerning insight, evading interpretations motivated by naivety on the one hand, and excessive suspicion on the other. Inspired by the psychology of yoga, the author offers a meditation focused on the sense of self and the cultivation of a discerning clear gaze.
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