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216 pages
8 x 5 inches
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht
Hardback (December 2023)
ISBN-13 9783205219446
ISBN-10 3205219449
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Art & Art History
Plan B
Intra-Active Becoming in Art and Beyond
by Zuzana Krizalkovicová, photographs by Boris Vaitovic and foreword by Felicitas Thun-Hohenstein
Emerging from a period of uncertainty, Plan B outlines an approach that places flexibility and creative "intra-actions" at its core. Plan B explores possible means of transcending established conventions and negotiating unforeseen situations. It serves as an invitation to explore the transformative power that resonates within the intra-sections in art and beyond, emphasizing how subtle shifts can trigger a positive "intra-action" across such varied fields as literature, philosophy and physics. Plan B offers a fresh perspective that fosters our creativity by encouraging us to perceive the world from novel angles and actively shape positive change. 
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