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246 pages
The Lutterworth Press
Hardback (February 2024)
ISBN-13 9780718897376
ISBN-10 0718897374
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Paperback (September 2024)
ISBN-13 9780718897369
ISBN-10 0718897366
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PDF eBook (February 2024)
ISBN-13 9780718897383
ISBN-10 0718897382
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EPUB eBook (February 2024)
ISBN-13 9780718897390
ISBN-10 0718897390
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Literary Studies
Before Tom Brown
The Origins of the School Story
by Robert Kirkpatrick
The use of school life as a closed narrative environment is well documented, and modern examples such as Malory Towers and Harry Potter show the genre's continued appeal. While there have been several histories show more
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Robert J. Kirkpatrick is the author of several books on children's literature, including The Encyclopaedia of Boys' School Stories (2000), From the Penny Dreadful to the Ha'penny Dreadfuller: show more
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1 Early School Dialogues and Texts: From 2500 bc to ad 1000
2 Chaucer's Schoolboy
3 Fifteenth- to Seventeenth-Century Vulgaria and Colloquies
4 Schools and Schoolboys on the Stage

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"This is a rare achievement - a book that ends where all other books on the subject begin! Before Tom Brown traces 2000 unexplored years of the school story, unearthing forgotten texts and manuscripts, show more
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