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324 pages
9 x 6 inches
James Clarke & Co
Hardback (September 2023)
ISBN-13 9780227179499
ISBN-10 0227179498
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Paperback (May 2024)
ISBN-13 9780227179482
ISBN-10 022717948X
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PDF eBook (September 2023)
ISBN-13 9780227179505
ISBN-10 0227179501
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EPUB eBook (September 2023)
ISBN-13 9780227179512
ISBN-10 022717951X
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Religious Studies
Experience, Culture and Religion in Systematic Theology
An Integrative and Pluriform Methodology
by Edmond Zi-Kang Chua
Most systematicians take as their starting point the nature of God, and scripture as the means by which God's nature is revealed, but what would a systematic theology look like that began with an experiential show more
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Edmond Zi-Kang Chua (PhD, University of Otago, NZ) is an academic researcher specialising in the Trinity, systematics, patristics and Asian theology. He is author of 'God-ness', 'God-ity', and God: A show more
   table of contents

Foreword by Douglas Pratt
List of Abbreviations
Introduction: Experience, Culture and Religion in Systematic Theology
1. Foundations I: Experience, Culture and World Religions

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"Edmond Chua rethinks systematic theology within a global context that engages religious diversity from a conservative Christian framework. Far from a liberal and pluralist account, Chua takes a conservative show more
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