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436 pages
Studien zur Europäischen Rechtsgeschichte, 337
Verlag Vittorio Klostermann
Paperback (March 2024)
ISBN-13 9783465045502
ISBN-10 3465045505
Not yet published
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Medieval Studies
Legal Pluralism and Social Change in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages
A Conference in Honor of John Haldon (Recht im ersten Jahrtausend Band 3)
edited by Wolfram Brandes, Helmut Reimitz and Jack Tannous
Throughout his career, Professor John Haldon has been a hinge between different academic cultures, methods, and disciplines. A true scholar of Byzantine society, he has combined meticulous work on texts and material evidence with a holistic approach to social history that has connected the study of the Byzantine world to new methodological perspectives and ever wider horizons for comparison with other political systems and structures across the European and Islamic worlds, from late ancient to early modern times. Based on a conference organized at the Center for Collaborative History of Princeton University in 2018, this book takes stock of Haldon's approach by focusing on the history of law and legal culture in the transformation of the Roman world. 
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