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60 pages (52 illus.)
Hebrew Union College Press
Paperback (May 2021)
ISBN-13 9780878205097
ISBN-10 0878205098
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PDF eBook (May 2021)
ISBN-13 9780878205103
ISBN-10 0878205101
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Art & Art History
Jewish Studies
A Collage of Customs
by Mark Podwal
In A Collage of Customs, Mark Podwal's imaginative and inventive interpretations of woodcuts from a 16th-century Sefer Minhagim (Book of Customs) allow readers of this volume to see show more
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Mark Podwal has written and illustrated more than a dozen books, and has illustrated more than two dozen works by such authors as Elie Wiesel, Heinrich Heine, Harold Bloom, and Francine Prose. His art is show more

"I call Podwal the Max Ernst of Judaic vintage visual narrative. Podwal (an M.D. during the day who transforms into a pictorial storyteller by night) injects his work with surrealist aesthetic and coy bite show more
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