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600 pages
9 x 6 inches
Studies in Ancient Mediterranean Religions, 2
Lockwood Press
Paperback (November 2019)
ISBN-13 9781948488167
ISBN-10 1948488167
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PDF eBook (December 2019)
ISBN-13 9781948488174
ISBN-10 1948488175
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Mediterranean Archaeology
Religious Studies
Religious Convergence in the Ancient Mediterranean
edited by Sandra Blakely and Billie Jean Collins
This volume brings together scholars in religion, archaeology, philology, and history to explore case studies and theoretical models of converging religions. The twenty-four essays offered in this volume, show more
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Sandra Blakely is an associate professor in the Department of Classics at Emory University. She currently serves as president of the Society for Ancient Mediterranean Religions.

Billie Jean
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Introduction, Sandra Blakely

Section 1. Site
1 Guardian Goddess of the Surf-Beaten Shore: The Influence of Mariners on Sanctuaries of Aphrodite in Magna Graecia (Amelia R. Brown and Rebecca Smith)

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